Lorenzo 3 [part 07 of 07]

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2 Video clip(s) (requiring a Username and Password)

80 min. 43 sec. - 1280x720 - 1433.80 MB

14 min. 28 sec. - 1280x720 - 204.77 MB

14 min. 28 sec. - 1920x1080 - 399.92 MB

14 min. 28 sec. - 3840x2160 - 1058.09 MB

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Lorenzo 3 [part 01 of 07]
09 May 2023

Lorenzo 3 [part 03 of 07]
16 May 2023

Lorenzo 3 [part 03 of 07]
23 May 2023

Lorenzo 3 [part 04 of 07]
30 May 2023

Lorenzo 3 [part 05 of 07]
06 June 2023

Lorenzo 3 [part 06 of 07]
13 June 2023

Lorenzo 3 [part 07 of 07]
20 June 2023

This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

(Version en français plus bas)

All the members who have already mentioned Lorenzo to me have been impressed, and it's easy to understand: he's young, hairless, rather handsome, quite athletic, he has a big, straight, "tasty" cock, and on top of that, he makes very powerful "shots" of cum! And he's not complicated, he's rather "innocent". What more could you ask for? :-)

If you liked his first two sets, you won't be disappointed, that's certain!

This time, I have of course tried to do some things that have not been done before (in addition to some things already done, obviously).

Here's what you'll see:
- Fellatio (a lot!)
- Detailed close-ups of his big, hard, erect dick and especially his glans (sometimes it looks like you can see "microscopic" details through the skin, because it's so close and sharp
- Transparent penis pump
- His anus, close up and well detailed (especially when he is sitting backwards on a chair)
- I shave / trim the hair around his anus, and for this, he spreads his buttocks with both hands (you can see really well)
- He "fucks" the transparent inflatable doll
- He "fucks" me from the front between my thighs (but not for very long because he can't get aroused in this situation, even when watching women's porn clips)
- And finally, I jack off his big cock and he spurts many times, with (as always) very powerful shots! The cum even reaches his face twice, and another shot even falls behind his shoulder!
It's very "interesting" (and even fascinating, I find) to watch in slow motion (4 times, 8 times and 12 times slower).

After this third set, I proposed him several times to do two-person sessions, but he always refused politely but firmly.
But probably these three sets are enough! I don't see what else I can do, as solo.

I won't write that I hope you'll like it, because I'm sure you will :-)

Note on the fact that he tends to have his mouth open: from what I understood, he has a little breathing problem somewhere (nose?), which explains this.
In general, the (rather rare) fact of always having one's mouth open conveys an impression or preconception of "silliness", but that has nothing to do here.


Tous les Membres qui m'ont déjà parlé de Lorenzo ont été impressionnés, et c'est facile à comprendre : il est jeune, sans poils, plutôt beau, assez athlétique, il a une grosse bite bien droite et bien "savoureuse", et en plus de ça, il fait des "jets" de sperme très puissants ! Et il n'est pas compliqué, il est plutôt "innocent". Que pouvoir demander de plus ? :-)

Vous qui avez aimé ses deux premiers sets, vous ne serez pas déçu(e), c'est certain !

Cette fois, j'ai évidemment essayé de faire des choses qui n'avaient pas été faites avant (en plus de certaines choses déjà faites, bien sûr).

Voici ce que vous verrez :
- Fellations (beaucoup !)
- Gros plans bien détaillés sur sa bite en érection bien grosse et dure et notamment sur son gland (parfois on a l'impression de voir des détails "microscopiques" au travers de la peau, tellement c'est près et net
- Pompe a pénis transparente
- Son anus, en gros plan et bien détaillé (en particulier quand il est assis à l'envers sur une chaise)
- Je lui rase / tonds les poils autour de l'anus, et por cela il écarte les fesses avec ses deux mains (on voit vraiment bien)
- Il "nique" la poupée gonflable transparente
- Il "me nique" par devant entre les cuisses (mais pas très longtemps car il n'arrive pas à être excité dans cette situation, même en regardant les clips porno de femmes)
- Et enfin, je branle sa grosse queue et il gicle de nombreuses fois, avec (comme toujours) des jets très puissants ! Le sperme atteint même deux fois son visage, et un autre jet tombe même derrière son épaule !
C'est très "intéressant" (et même fascinant, je trouve) à regarder au ralenti (4 fois, 8 fois et 12 fois plus lent).

Après ce troisème set, je lui ai proposé plusieurs fois de faire des sessions à deux, mais il a toujours refusé poliment mais fermement.
Mais probablement ces trois sets sont suffisants ! Je ne vois pas quoi faire de plus, en solo.

Je n'écris pas que j'espère ce que ça vous plaira, car j'en suis sûr :-)

Note concernant le fait qu'il a tendance à avoir la bouche ouverte : d'après ce que j'ai cru comprendre, il a un petit problème respiratoire quelque part (nez ?), ce qui explique cela.
En général, le fait (assez rare) d'avoir toujours la bouche ouverte véhicule une impression ou un préjugé de "sottise", mais ça n'a rien à voir ici.

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

Mouloud (part 01 of 03)
view here

TCB2 (part 00, no sex)
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Jeremy [part 05 of 18]
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Oscar (part 11 of 14)
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Beltran 2 (part 03 of 05)
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Keenan [part 16 of 16]
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Fouzi (part 03 of 04)
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Alex 2 [part 03 of 05]
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Kade [part 10 of 13]
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Akim 4 (ASB) (part 03 of 06)
view here

Walfeny (part 01 of 08)
view here

TCB3 (part 03 of 06)
view here

TCB 7 (with Roldan) (part 04 of 05)
view here

Walfeny (part 02 of 08)
view here

Juliano (part 05 of 09)
view here

TCB 6 (part 04 of 05)
view here

Paco 2 [part 05 of 07]
view here

Thiago 2 [part 03 of 04]
view here

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