Olrik (4 clips)

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4 Video clip(s) (requiring a Username and Password)

5 min. 30 sec. - 640x480 - 35.80 MB

6 min. 0 sec. - 640x480 - 34.78 MB

4 min. 40 sec. - 640x480 - 26.65 MB

10 min. 16 sec. - 640x480 - 47.80 MB

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Description of this set:

*** If the clips are displayed in a small window, clip the icon in the right lower corner to watch it in full screen *** -------------------------- This is the last of the very old recordings that I had not yet released. For this one, the reason is that I appear myself in the video, in almost all the "good bits", and I've always had other things to do than trying to mask me (which is uneasy) in order to release it. I recorded this boy in 1999 in Prague (don't go there anymore : it's completely over and fucked up regarding boys, trust me... I made the sad experience in 2008). At this time, in 99, not only I did not even have a digital photo camera (but only a miniDV video cam since 1 year), but also I did not even have the idea of making websites. It was after this summer 99 that, considering all the nice boys available in some places in Prague, and the possibilities with websites, that I began to think about making an internet site (which I opened only in nov. 2002, because it's not so easy to do and to setup when you don't know anything). I went back to Prague in 2000, especially for that, and this time I began with Mark (he did not cum, and I did not even think about asking or insisting or finding some trick like now... go figure !), Stefan, Zdeniek, Miroslav, etc. Of course I had to make all the paperwork and ID/age proofs in 2000, but in 1999 I did not, since it was only "private" and I did not have the idea of publishing. But in 2000 I was lucky enough to retrieve 3 boys : Latzo, Karlo, and Olrik, and I paid them only to do the papers and pics of ID card. I remember well that Olrik was rather surprised that I offered to pay him just to fill a paper and do a few pics of ID ! Not to mention that I always try to pay the best that I can, so he was very pleased. He had never earned money so easily. I remember also that before (or after ?) this short "session" (the ID and agreement thing) he had some dispute with his girlfriend and it was rather funny to see how bad and tough he was talking to her (unfortunately I did not record it, and anyway in 2000 he did not look so cute - still the same young face, but long "shaggy" hair, which ruined all). Of course I could have asked him to do a haircut, and we could have done a new session, but at this time I was a really total "newbie", and I guess that I did not even had the idea of making 2 sets of the same boy ! (or maybe I was just keeping money for new faces, which makes sense). I don't remember well how I met this boy. Something like in the street or metro... He was very young-looking, and I liked his look and attitude, a kind of mix between "teenager" and "macho". And with a very easy-going mind. Ready for almost anything to earn money. Probably he was also an occasionnal rent-boy. For sure he was not surprised at all when we went to hostel, and to bed (not like many of the boys I'm "doing" nowadays, who are just regular "neighborhood boys" who never touched another guy nor even had the idea). We went to a cheap hostel that I had spotted, that had private rooms (given that I could not record him in the youth hostel with common dorms where I was living). He began to remove all his clothes, but soon someone knocked at the door, to ask us to switch to another room (that's why you can notice some discrepancy in his clothing (clothed, nude, clothed again, nude again...). I hanged the camera on some nail on the wall... And we had "fun" :-) At the end, after it was "finished" (he was over me, I wanked him and he cummed, and very probably I cummed also between his buttocks), we talked a bit (in a very basic german...), and we did eat something, we were hungry. He showed me his birth certificate (which is not a proof), showing that he was 19 y.o., which puzzled me (that's why I say "unglaublich" -meaning "unbelievable"). At first, I thought that he was maybe 16 or 17. I did not even asked him, because for me it was obvious that he was in the legal ages for such things. (In Europe, it is usually 16, and sometimes 15). The 18 y.o. minimum requirement is only for publication (or even if only "the goal" is publication - but it was not the case). Nowadays, not only times have changed and all is more tough and complicated, people are more suspicious etc, but anyway I'm doing rather serious things in, let's call that "porn" (I would say "erotic sites"), thus I cannot afford to "go with" minor boys. I can eventually talk with them, carefully avoiding any subject close to sex or close to my little business. But I would not have sex with them, nor invite them in my flat, despite the fact that it would be legal to do that with a 17 y.o. boy. Why ? Because in case of any problem, they can always say that in fact I made some nude pics or vids of him (even if it's not true) and in our society, no one will care about my good faith, I will be fucked anyway. There is also some risks of traps, blackmail etc. Or misunderstandings... Anyway there are many 18 y.o. young enough, and anyway with my job I don't really need to have private sex. What I do in the sessions is enough for me. Then I can have pleasure watching the redordings when I want... And anyway the 17 y.o. can wait... It's easy to wait ! While when a boy is 23 and ugly (as often), then... there is really nothing to do ! Why I tell you all that ? Because right now there is a boy that I scouted for my "job", and I suspect he wants to do "things" with me (it's nice to see I still have some success :-) but I also suspect him to be 17 y.o... I explained him that I never invite minors in my flat, whatever the reason. Let's see later (I will see his ID card anyway, if he wants to do any "serious thing"). For me it's not a problem to wait. There are many other boys.

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

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