Teddy 2 [part 01 of 03]

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15 min. 40 sec. - 1280x720 - 287.78 MB

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Teddy 2 [part 01 of 03]
10 May 2023

Teddy 2 [part 02 of 03]
17 May 2023

Teddy 2 [part 03 of 03]
24 May 2023

This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

(Version en français plus bas)

I have already written a lot of "general" information about this boy in the "Teddy" set.

This set "Teddy 2" has been recorded right after "Teddy", after a short break, in the same room.

At first he "fucks" various "sheaths", then he "fucks" my hand in a condom :-).

His cock is not always very hard at the beginning, probably because he ejaculated a short time before, but you'll see that I do my best to make it hard :-)

In particular, there are a lot of blow jobs :-)
I start quite carefully with a very thick condom, then a normal one, then quite soon without a condom, because it goes well.
And you'll see that his cock "is happy".

There's even a little blowjob sequence after coating his cock with a well-known brand of "chocolate and hazelnut paste", and it's doubly good! :-) Really :-)

Finally, I masturbate him, and unlike the first time (set "Teddy") where it was too difficult, this time I manage to masturbate him until he comes,
and once again he's doing big shots "with two branches", a little less than the first time but it still goes pretty far (including behind his head!).

I hope you enjoy these three clips, there's quite a bit of fellatio, and the cum shots are "interesting", in my opinion.

That's all with this boy.


J'ai déjà écrit beaucoup d'informations "générales" sur ce garçon dans le set "Teddy".

Ce set "Teddy 2" a été enregistré juste après "Teddy", après une petite pause, dans la même chambre.

Au début, il "nique" diverses "gaines", puis il "nique" ma main dans une capote :-).

Sa bite n'est pas toujours très dure au début, sans doute parce qu'il a éjaculé peu de temps auparavant, mais vous verrez que je fais tout mon possible pour la faire durcir :-)

En particulier, il y a beaucoup de fellations -:-)
Je commence assez précautionneusement avec un préservatif très épais, puis un normal, puis assez rapidement sans préservatif, car ça se passe bien.
Et vous verrez que sa bite "est contente".

Il y a même une petite séquence de fellation après avoir enduit sa bite d'une "pâte de chocolat et noisette" d'une marque bien connue, et c'est doublement bon ! :-) Vraiment :-)

Enfin, je le masturbe, et contrairement à la première fois (set "Teddy") où c'était trop difficile, cette fois je réussis à le masturber jusqu'à ce qu'il jouisse,
et encore une fois il fait de grands jets "avec deux branches", un peu moins que la première fois mais ça va tout de même assez loin (y compris derrière sa tête !).

J'espère que ces trois clips vous plairont, il y a pas mal de fellation, et les jets de sperme sont "intéressants", à mon avis.

Ce sera tout avec ce garçon.

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

Gabriel 5 [part 01 of 03]
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Roder 2 (part 01 of 06)
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Allan 4 [part 03 of 10]
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Jairo (part 03 of 06)
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Thiago 3 [part 02 of 04]
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Danilo (part 01 of 09)
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Zdeniek (part 02 of 04)
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Cherif (part 02 of 02)
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Chemsedin (part 12 of 19)
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Akim 2 (ASB) (part 00 of 07) (pictures only)
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Saber (part 03 of 03)
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Keenan 3 [part 05 of 05]
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Kade [part 10 of 13]
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Teddy [part 03 of 05]
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Gabriel 5 [part 03 of 03]
view here

Jairo and Roder (part 02 of 06)
view here

Joshua [part 06 of 07]
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Emerson [part 07 of 07]
view here

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