Renan 3 [part 05 of 06]

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Renan 3 [part 03 of 06]
11 April 2023

Renan 3 [part 04 of 06]
18 April 2023

Renan 3 [part 05 of 06]
25 April 2023

Renan 3 [part 06 of 06]
02 May 2023

Here are the next parts of this set:
(Please check the release date beneath the thumbnails.)

Renan 3 [part 01 of 06]
07 March 2027

Renan 3 [part 02 of 06]
14 March 2027
This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

(Version en français plus bas)

Here is the third set of Renan, this beautiful and sexy boy with a big and hard cock :-)
And there will be more: at least 3 future "solo" sets and at least 3 future "duo" sets (with Gabriel, with Paco, with Everton...).

At the beginning of the session, his dick is already hard when he starts to undress, it's quite funny because his dick comes out of his briefs by itself,
But in fact he's almost always like this: super horny!

However, there is a moment where you see his dick "at rest" because I asked him to do it (so it took a long time, not recorded),
to film the progression in size as his cock goes from "small" to "erect".
Normally this is a very exciting thing to do, but here it didn't produce a very interesting result.
But it doesn't matter, because when you look at the video, I don't think it's even clear that I was trying to achieve this effect (this "progression").

Today, as is often the case with "third sessions", I focused a lot on his bum :-)
So you'll see his hole close enough and well enough! (And clean, of course)
I did a bit of hair trimming, but everyone will have understood that this was just an excuse to spread his buttocks :-)

You'll also see him trying out a penis pump, then "fucking" a transparent inflatable doll...

There's also fellatio (by me, of course), but not as much as in the previous set or in the following ones.

At the end, he "fucks me from the front" (as if I were a woman, where the vagina is) while I'm lying on my back on the bed.
And he ejaculates on me, not in phenomenal quantities, but "enough" (more than the boy's average), with dense first shots,
and it's "interesting" to watch in slow motion (in 1:4, 1:8, 1:12).

One thing is for sure, with this set you'll know all the details in close-up of his big stiff cock with his big glans and his little ass :-)

I hope you'll like it, and as I said at the beginning, there are many more sets with Renan to "enjoy" in the future :-)


Voici le troisème set de Renan, ce beau garçon super sexy et à la grosse bite toujours dure :-)
Et il y en aura encore d'autres : au moins 3 futurs sets "solo", et au moins 3 futurs sets "duo" (avec Gabriel, avec Paco, avec Everton...).

Au début de la session, sa bite est déjà dure qaund il commence à se déshabiller, c'est assez drôle car son zob sort tout seul de son caleçon,
comme un ressort, mais en fait il est presque toujours comme ça :super "chaud" !

Il y a cependant un moment où vous verrez sa bite "au repos", parce que je lui ai demandé de le faire (donc il a fallu attendre un bon moment, non enregistré),
dans le but de filmer la progression de taille quand sa bite passe de "petite" à "érection".
En général c'est une chose très excitante, mais ici ça n'a pas donné un résultat vraiment intéressant.
Mais ce n'est pas grave, car en fait en regardant la vidéo je crois qu'on ne comprend même pas que j'ai cherché à obtenir cet effet (cette "progression").

Aujourd'hui, comme souvent dans les "troisièmes sessions", je me suis beaucoup intéressé à son cul :-)
Vous verrez donc son trou suffisamment près et suffisamment bien ! (Et propre, bien sûr)
J'ai un peu passé une tondeuse et donc tondu un peu les poils, mais tout le monde aura compris que c'était seulement un prétexte pour écarter ses fesses :-)

Vous le verrez aussi essayer une pompe à pénis, puis "niquer" une poupée gonflable transparente...

Il y a aussi de la fellation (de ma part, bien sûr), mais pas autant que dans le set précédent ni que dans les suivants.

A la fin, il me "nique par devant" (comme si j'étais une femme, à l'emplacement du vagin), alors que je suis couché sur le dos, sur le lit.
Et il éjacule au-dessus de moi, pas en quantités phénoménales mais "suffisamment" (plus que la moyenne des garçons), avec des premiers jets bien denses,
et c'est "intéressant" à regarder au ralenti (en 1:4, 1:8, 1:12).

Une chose est sûre, c'est qu'avec ce set vous connaîtrez tous les détails en gros plan de sa grosse bite raide avec son gros gland, et de son petit cul :-)

Voilà, j'espère que ça vous plaira, et comme dit au début, il y a encore beaucoup d'autres sets avec Renan, à "déguster" dans le futur :-)

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

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Silvio (part 01 of 06)
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Santiago 4 [part 03 of 06]
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