Thiago [part 07 of 14]

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10 min. 31 sec. - 1280x720 - 199.12 MB

10 min. 31 sec. - 1920x1080 - 389.62 MB

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Thiago [part 01 of 14]
27 May 2023

Thiago [part 02 of 14]
31 May 2023

Thiago [part 03 of 14]
03 June 2023

Thiago [part 04 of 14]
07 June 2023

Thiago [part 05 of 14]
10 June 2023

Thiago [part 06 of 14]
14 June 2023

Thiago [part 07 of 14]
17 June 2023

Thiago [part 08 of 14]
21 June 2023

Thiago [part 09 of 14]
24 June 2023

Thiago [part 10 of 14]
28 June 2023

Thiago [part 11 of 14]
01 July 2023

Thiago [part 12 of 14]
05 July 2023

Thiago [part 13 of 14]
08 July 2023

Thiago [part 14 of 14]
12 July 2023

This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

(Version en français plus bas)

Thiago est un joli petit mec (comme vous pouvez le voir), mais c'est aussi un garçon très chaud, et même une véritable "petite machine à baiser" ! :-)

Je l'ai trouvé par hasard dans la rue, il vendait des boissons, il m'a tout de suite paru très sympathique.
Il a un "petit sourire permanent", très charmant à mon goût.

Il a des jambes de footballeur avec des cuisses très musclées, mais (heureusement) il n'a pas un gramme de graisse.

Il a une bite de taille moyenne (ou un peu plus que la moyenne), mais très "active" et très dure.
Vous verrez dans les vidéos que j'ai été souvent incrédule devant la force de sa queue :-)
Il a même réussi à faire un trou dans un boxer ! Uniquement avec la force de sa queue... Si si, vous verrez même ce petit trou se former (brutalement) pendant le clip.

Il a également "niqué ma bouche", très fort, mais à cette occasion (comme "je ne pouvais pas lui résister") j'ai trouvé une méthode pour "autoriser" cela sans pour autant être étranglé, étouffé, ou vomir : je prends la bite dans ma main gauche et je mets mon index gauche sur mes dents du haut. De cette manière, j'ai la largeur de ma main qui empêche la bite d'entrer trop loin.
Depuis cette expérience avec lui (et donc depuis que j'ai trouvé ce "truc"), je fais souvent la même chose avec d'autres mecs. Et ça leur plaît ! :-)

Cette session est assez longue, le clip vidéo complet dure plus de 3 heures ! :-)
Il y a même de la bite au chocolat :-) (avec une pâte chocolat-noisette d'une marque bien connue mais que je cache pour éviter tout problème).

A la fin, je l'ai branlé jusqu'à l'explosion finale, qui est... savoureuse :-) (C'est assez bref mais bien fourni et puissant, et ça va jusque sur sa tête :-))

Comme cette session est très chaude et très longue, je l'ai découpée en 14 parties (toutes excitantes, à mon avis), mais ne vous inquiétez pas : au lieu de "sortir" une partie (un clip) par semaine comme d'habitude, il y a deux clips par semaine (avec environ 3 jours entre chaque). Sinon cela prendrait trop de temps.

Sauf si vous aimez uniquement les garçons grands et minces, je suis sûr que vous aimerez Thiago (et ce qu'il fait !) :-)

Plus tard, j'ai fait une deuxième session avec lui, qui était très bonne aussi. Cependant, ensuite il n'a pas voulu faire d'autres sessions car il a trouvé que ma caméra s'intéressait beaucoup trop à son cul dans la deuxième session.
C'est un vrai "petit hétéro à fond les couilles, chaud comme la braise", très "macho" mais cool, et qui accepte tout de même de se faire sucer (et de niquer la bouche) ! :-)
Il est presque parfait, et en tous cas, il est "authentique", il correspond bien à l'esprit du site (comme beaucoup d'autres garçons ici sur YSB) :-)


Thiago is a cute little guy (as you can see), but he is also a very hot boy, and even a real "little fucking machine"! :-)

I found him by chance in the street, he was selling drinks, he immediately seemed very cool to me.
He has a "permanent little smile", very charming in my opinion.

He has footballer's legs with very muscular thighs, but (fortunately) not an ounce of fat.

He has an average (or slightly above average) sized cock, but very "active" and very hard.
You will see in the videos that I was often amazed by the strength of his cock :-)
He even managed to cut a hole in a pair of boxers! Only with the strength of his dick... Yes, you'll even see that little hole forming (brutally) during the clip.

He also "fucked my mouth", very hard, but on this occasion (as "I couldn't resist him") I found a method to "authorize" this without being strangled, choked, or vomiting : I take the cock in my left hand and I put my left index finger on my top teeth. This way, I have the width of my hand to keep the cock from going too far in.
Since this experience with him (and therefore since I found this "trick"), I often do the same thing with other guys. And they like it! :-)

This session is quite long, the full video clip lasts more than 3 hours ! :-)
There is even chocolate cock :-) (with a chocolate-hazelnut paste of a well known brand but that I hide to avoid any problem).

At the end, I jerked him off until the final explosion, which is... tasty :-) (It's quite short but rich and powerful, and it goes up to his head :-))

As this session is very hot and very long, I've split it into 14 parts (all exciting, in my opinion), but don't worry: instead of "releasing" one part (one clip) per week as usual, there are two clips per week (with about 3 days between each). Otherwise it would take too long.

Unless you only like tall skinny boys, I'm sure you'll like Thiago (and what he does!) :-)

Later I did a second session with him, which was also very good. However, afterwards he didn't want to do any more sessions because he found that my camera was much too "interested" in his ass in the second session.
He's a real "straight boy with balls, hot as hell", very "macho" but cool, and who accepts to be sucked (and to fuck the mouth) ! :-)
He's almost perfect, and in any case, he's "genuine", he corresponds well to the spirit of the site (like many other boys here on YSB) :-)


Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

Cherif (part 01 of 02)
view here

Malik (part 02 of 03)
view here

Jeremy [part 18 of 18]
view here

Osvaldo (part 05 of 12)
view here

Danilo (part 01 of 09)
view here

Keenan [part 04 of 16]
view here

Roder 4 (part 06 of 09)
view here

Akim 2 (ASB) (part 03 of 07)
view here

Akim (ASB) (part 06 of 06)
view here

Renan 3 [part 05 of 06]
view here

TCB2 (part 02 of 06)
view here

Akim 4 (ASB) (part 05 of 06)
view here

TCB 7 (with Roldan) (part 03 of 05)
view here

Aladin (part 05 of 08)
view here

Akim 4 (ASB) (part 06 of 06)
view here

Lorenzo 3 [part 07 of 07]
view here

Rudi (part 03 of 04)
view here

Gabriel & Emerson & Zende [part 04 of 06]
view here

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