Everton 2 [part 01 of 04]

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10 min. 25 sec. - 1280x720 - 183.46 MB

10 min. 25 sec. - 1920x1080 - 362.92 MB

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Everton 2 [part 01 of 04]
19 August 2023

Everton 2 [part 02 of 04]
26 August 2023

Everton 2 [part 03 of 04]
02 September 2023

Everton 2 [part 04 of 04]
09 September 2023

This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

(Version en français plus bas)

This set is a continuation of the previous set, after taking a break.
Everton really needed to ejaculate, so instead of taking the "risk" of him doing it at an unexpected moment (i.e. without seeing the spurts properly), I gave him the green light to "relieve himself".

Given that this session (this recording shoot) was very hot, with 3 moments of ejaculation and a lot of 'drops' during the whole session, I preferred to 'divide' the whole thing into 3 sets, each with its own 'power'.

In this set, I'm still playing with his cock, which very quickly becomes big and hard again, even though he's already ejaculated a lot!
With each new pair of pants (thinner and thinner), you can often see drops coming through the fabric :-)

At the end, I jerk him off again, and he's still spurting a lot, probably even more than the first time! It's incredible, because normally after ejaculating (and even after a break), the shots are much weaker.
I think it's fair to say that he really had his balls full :-)

So this set is very highly erotic, like the previous one (and most of the others), and in the next one (Everton 3) I finally suck his good cock (and he squirts for the third time!).


Ce set est la continuation du set précédent, après avoir fait une pause.
En effet, Everton avait terriblement besoin d'éjaculer, donc au lieu de prendre le "risque" qu'il le fasse à un moment inattendu (c'est à dire sans bien voir les jets), je lui avais donné le feu vert pour "se soulager".

Etant donné que cette session (cette séance d'enregistrement) était très chaude, avec 3 moments d'éjaculation et beaucou de "gouttes" durant toute la session, j'ai préféré "découper" tout ça en 3 sets, qui chacun ont leur "puissance".

Dans ce set, je joue encore avec sa queue, qui redevient très vite grosse et dure alors que pourtant il a déjà beaucoup éjaculé !
A chaque nouveau caleçon (de plus en plus fin), on voit souvent des gouttes qui traversent le tissu :-)

A la fin, je le branle à nouveau, et il fait encore beaucoup de très grands jets de sperme, probablement encore plus fort que la première fois ! C'est incroyable, parce que normalement après avoir éjaculé (et même après une pause), les jets sont nettement moins forts.
Je crois qu'on peut dire qu'il avait vraiment "les couilles pleines" :-)

Ce set est donc très hautement érotique, comme le précédent (et comme la plupart des autres), et dans le suivant (Everton 3) je suce enfin sa bonne queue (et il gicle pour la troisième fois !).

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

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