Wesley 3 [part 05 of 05]

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2 Video clip(s) (requiring a Username and Password)

48 min. 16 sec. - 1280x720 - 769.08 MB

10 min. 19 sec. - 1280x720 - 146.63 MB

10 min. 19 sec. - 1920x1080 - 351.33 MB

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Wesley 3 [part 01 of 05]
09 October 2023

Wesley 3 [part 02 of 05]
16 October 2023

Wesley 3 [part 03 of 05]
23 October 2023

Wesley 3 [part 04 of 05]
30 October 2023

Wesley 3 [part 05 of 05]
06 November 2023

This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

Here's the third (and final) set with Wesley.

It was recorded a little after "Wesley 2", on the same evening, which explains why he doesn't get hard at first in the shower, since he ejaculated shortly before.
I take the opportunity to venture a finger up his ass, along with the shampoo...

Then, on the bed, I suck his cock, which quickly becomes big (very big!) and hard again :-)

Then I get him to try a penis pump (at one point, his huge, swollen cock takes up almost all the space in the tube :-)).

Then I suck him again, and once more I try a finger up his ass with lube (paying him extra for it).

He remains very cool and calm, he's here because he needs the money, but his erection shows that he obviously likes to be sucked and groped (like all the other guys).

Then I find a way to get a good, clear view of his hole (for those who might be interested!), with my special "technique" for that, i.e. sitting backwards on a chair: this way, guys' anuses really can't hide anything! I'm not saying it's beautiful, but for many spectators it's exciting to see the virgin asshole of a hetero guy (who has no idea what they might be imagining), and besides, I think we see it much better than the guys themselves (who obviously won't spread their butts to take photos).

Then I make him fuck a transparent inflatable doll, and finally he "fucks" me from the front, between the thighs.
I could feel his huge cock rubbing me, it was very good :-)

Then he ejaculates on me, less than in the previous set, but it's good anyway.

Later, he didn't want to do any more sessions, especially " duos ". He told me that he didn't much like all those things with his ass, and that he wasn't at all comfortable with the idea of another guy simulating a "fuck" between his thighs.

But I hope these 3 sets will be sufficient.


Voici le troisième (et dernier) set avec Wesley.

Il a été enregistré un peu après "Wesley 2", le même soir, ce qui explique pourquoi il ne bande pas au début sous la douche, puisqu'il a éjaculé peu de temps avant.
J'en profite pour aventurer un doigt dans son cul, avec le shampoing...

Ensuite sur le lit je suce sa bite qui redevient rapidement grosse (très grosse !) et bien dure :-)

Puis je lui fais essayer une pompe à pénis (à un moment, sa bite énorme, bien gonflée, prend presque toute la place dans le tube :-)).

Puis je le suce encore, et je tente encore une fois un doigt dans le cul avec du lubrifiant (en lui payant un supplément pour cela).

Il reste très cool et calme, il est là parce qu'il a besoin d'argent, mais son érection montre qu'il aime évidemment se faire sucer et tripoter (comme tous les autres mecs).

Ensuite, je trouve un moyen pour bien voir son trou de manière bien nette (pour les personnes que ça peut intéresser !), avec ma "technique" spéciale pour ça, c'est à dire en s'asseyant à l'envers sur une chaise: de cette manière, l'anus des mecs ne peut vraiment plus rien cacher ! Je ne dis pas que c'est beau, mais pour beaucoup de spectateurs c'est excitant de voir le trou du cul vierge d'un mec hétero (qui ne se doute pas de ce que peut-être ils imaginent), et d'ailleurs je pense que nous le voyons beaucoup mieux que les mecs eux-mêmes (qui évidemment ne vont pas écarter leur fesses pour prendre des photos).

Puis je lui fais niquer une poupée gonflable transparente, et enfin il me "nique" par devant, entre les cuisses.
J'ai pu sentir sa bite énorme me frotter, c'était très bon :-)

Puis il éjacule sur moi, moins que dans le set précédent, mais c'est bon quand même.

Ultérieurement, il n'a plus voulu faire d'autres sessions, notamment des "duos". Il m'a dit en effet qu'il n'aimait pas tellement toutes ces choses avec son cul, et qu'il n'était pas du tout à l'aise avec l'idée d'un autre mec simulant un "niquage" entre ses cuisses. 

Mais j'espère que ces 3 sets seront suffisants.

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

Dakari [part 01 of 07]
view here

Gabriel and Allan [part 06 of 09]
view here

Teddy 2 [part 02 of 03]
view here

Jean-Louis (part 02 of 08)
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Dominik (part 01 of 03)
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Jairo (part 06 of 06)
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Gabriel and Everton [part 10 of 13]
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Juliano 3 (part 03 of 03)
view here

Renan and Paco [part 01 of 06]
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Osvaldo (part 02 of 12)
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Osvaldo (part 07 of 12)
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Everton 4 [part 02 of 06]
view here

Marco 3 [part 04 of 05]
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Jeremy [part 10 of 18]
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Zende 2 [part 05 of 07]
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Roder 3 (part 03 of 06)
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Everton 3 [part 05 of 08]
view here

Everton 2 [part 03 of 04]
view here

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