Gabriel and Everton [part 08 of 13]

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Gabriel and Everton [part 01 of 13]
11 November 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 02 of 13]
18 November 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 03 of 13]
25 November 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 04 of 13]
02 December 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 05 of 13]
09 December 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 06 of 13]
16 December 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 07 of 13]
23 December 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 08 of 13]
30 December 2023

Gabriel and Everton [part 09 of 13]
06 January 2024

Gabriel and Everton [part 10 of 13]
13 January 2024

Gabriel and Everton [part 11 of 13]
20 January 2024

Gabriel and Everton [part 12 of 13]
27 January 2024

Gabriel and Everton [part 13 of 13]
03 February 2024

This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

(Version en français plus bas)

This session is very pleasant and exciting, with two big cocks in action :-)

Since you already know other sessions of the same kind (for example Gabriel and another guy), I won't describe again similar things, but only things particular to this session:

Both boys have similar sized cocks. You know that Gabriel has a very big cock, but you'll see that Everton's is almost as big. I think Gabriel's cock looks quite huge, because of the boy's small size.
There are many moments with the two hard cocks stuck together, and sometimes I hold them both in my hand ;-)
You'll also see a sort of "cock to cock kiss" :-)
There's also a "cock fight" :-)
Both boys are very relaxed, but at one point Gabriel gets very angry, when I tell him I'm waiting for his cock to get hard again. He's very irritated, and says that it's difficult for him to get hard when there's no woman in the room but just another cock, because "he's not gay". And that's true. But don't worry, most of the time he's got a hard-on (especially when he 'fucks' Everton between the thighs, from behind).

This time, I wanted to go a bit further than usual, by asking them to stick their cocks between their buttocks (so that it touches the hole, the "front door"), and not just between the thighs near the arse.
But as they'd never agree to that anyway (even for the rest, it's often difficult in general in two-person sessions), I told them they could wear briefs to make sure no cock was going to enter an arse, and with as many layers as they wanted. So they each wore two pairs of briefs.
(In further sessions, you'll see that I gradually get the boys to do this, but without pants :-)).
They masturbated each other for quite a long time, and Gabriel's cock remains hard after he's ejaculated, so much so that a little later he did some more (with an expression of pain/enjoyment when Everton continued to wank him, as I hadn't said to stop).
Everton can't ejaculate when Gabriel jerks him off (although he tries for quite a long time, which is "interesting" :-)), but when he does squirt, it's very nice (as it almost always is with him), and it goes all the way to his shoulder :-)

In particular, I think it's really excellent when the two boys fuck at the same time and "face to face" the transparent tube with vibrators (à la fin du clip 03 sur 13).
In fact, at the beginning it's Gabriel who "fucks Everton's cock", so his glans bumps against Everton's, then goes above or below (because of the narrowness of the tube) and you can see the two glans deformed in the tube, and then it's the other way round (Everton's hard cock bumps and deforms that of Gabriel).
I think it's hard to do better than that, in terms of " sexual intercourse between two penises " :-)

I'm sure you'll enjoy this session, which is very "sexy", without too many problems/reticence/chit-chat.
It's clear that - despite being straight - these two guys had fun!


Cette session est très agréable et excitante, avec deux grosses bites en action :-)

Etant donné que vous connaissez déjà d'autres sessions du même genre (par exemple Gabriel et un autre mec), je ne vais pas décrire à nouveau les choses similaires, mais seulement les choses particulière à cette session :

  • Les deux garçons ont des bites de taille similaire. Vous savez que Gabriel a une très grosse bite, mais vous verrez que celle d'Everton est presque aussi grosse. Je crois que la bite de Gabriel paraît assez énorme, à cause de la petite taille de ce garçon.
  • Il y a beaucoup de moments avec les deux bites dures bien collées ensemble, et parfois je les tiens toutes les deux dans ma main ;-)
  • Vous verrez aussi une sorte de "bisou entre bites" :-)
  • Il y a aussi une "bataille de queues" :-)
  • Les deux garçons sont très décontractés, mais à un moment Gabriel se fâche très fort, quand je lui dis que j'attends que sa bite redevienne dure. Il est très irrité, et il dit que pour lui c'est difficile de bander alors qu'il n'y a pas de femme mais juste une autre bite dans la pièce, car "il n'est pas pédé". Et c'est vrai. Mais rassurez-vous, la plupart du temps il bande bien assez fort (et notamment quand il "nique" Everton entre les cuisses, par derrière).
  • Cette fois, j'ai voulu aller un peu plus loin que d'habitude, en leur demandant d'enfoncer leurs queues entre les fesses (pour que ça touche le trou, la "porte d'entrée"), et pas seulement entre les cuisses près du cul.
    Mais comme de toutes façons ils n'acceptent jamais ça (even for the rest, it's often difficult in general in two-person sessions), je leur ai dit qu'ils pouvaient mettre des caleçons pour être certain qu'aucune bite ne va entrer dans un cul, et avec autant d'épaisseurs qu'ils le veulent. Donc chacun a vêtu deux caleçons.
    (Dans d'autres sessions ultérieures, vous verrez que peu à peu j'amène les garçons à faire ça, mais sans caleçon :-)).
  • Ils se sont masturbés mutuellement pendant assez longtemps, et la bite de Gabriel reste dure après qu'il ait éjaculé, à tel point qu'un peu plus tard il en refait encore un peu (avec une expression de douleur / jouissance quand Everton continuait à le branler, puisque je n'avais pas dit d'arrêter).
  • Everton ne peut pas éjaculer quand Gabriel le branle (alors que ce dernier essaie pendant assez longtemps, ce qui est "intéressant" :-)), mais quand il gicle, c'est très joli (comme presque toujours avec lui), et ça va jusqu'à son épaule :-)

En particulier, je trouve vraiment excellent quand les deux garçons niquent en même temps et "face à face" le tube transparent avec vibreurs (à la fin du clip 03 sur 13).
En effet, au début, c'est Gabriel qui "nique la bite" d'Everton, et donc son gland cogne contre celui d'Everton, puis passe au-dessus ou en-dessous (à cause de l'étroitesse du tube) et on voit bien les deux glands déformés dans le tube, et ensuite c'est l'inverse (la bite dure d'Everton vient tamponner et déformer celle de Gabriel)
Je crois qu'il est difficile de faire mieux, en termes de "rapport sexuel entre deux pénis" :-)

Je suis sûr que vous allez aimer cette session, qui est très "sexe", sans trop de problèmes / réticences / bavardages.
On voit que - bien qu'étant hétéros - ces deux mecs se sont amusés !

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

Wesley 3 [part 01 of 05]
view here

Emerson 2 [part 03 of 05]
view here

Marco 3 [part 01 of 05]
view here

Joshua 3 [part 01 of 08]
view here

Brahim (part 03 of 07)
view here

Everton 3 [part 03 of 08]
view here

Thiago [part 08 of 14]
view here

Alfer (part 07 of 08)
view here

Bilal (part 03 of 05)
view here

Kauan [part 03 of xx]
view here

Chemsedin (part 15 of 19)
view here

Roder 4 (part 07 of 09)
view here

Danilo (part 05 of 09)
view here

Gabriel and Everton [part 10 of 13]
view here

Aladin (part 08 of 08)
view here

Fabrizio (part 04 of 07)
view here

Dexter (part 02 of 10)
view here

Pierre (clip 07 of 08)
view here

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