Thiago 3 [part 03 of 04]

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1 Video clip(s) and 35 Photos (requiring a Username and Password)

10 min. 48 sec. - 1280x720 - 304.19 MB

10 min. 48 sec. - 1920x1080 - 548.44 MB

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Watch all the parts of this set currently online:

Thiago 3 [part 01 of 04]
12 March 2024

Thiago 3 [part 02 of 04]
19 March 2024

Thiago 3 [part 03 of 04]
26 March 2024

Thiago 3 [part 04 of 04]
02 April 2024

This set is in the following categories: (Click a category to see the relevant boys)

Description of this set:

(Version en français plus bas)

This third (and last) session with Thiago was recorded only 10 minutes after the previous one, but his cock got hard again very quickly :-)

In this session I suck his cock, of course, he fucks a blow-up doll, and I also try to get interested in the space between his two buttocks, but it's very difficult, or rather impossible.
He noticed very well that I was trying to see his hole and he did everything to hide it.
The result of this is that you can't see his bum hole.
(In a slow-motion sequence, from time to time we see white dots shining on the hair between his buttocks, but they aren't insects, it's an effect due to the slow-motion and other factors (water, cotton of the towel) that sometimes happen in this kind of scene).

He "fucks" me again between my thighs, then he jerks off (quite wildly!) and ejaculates further than the first time (up to his shoulder).

Apart from his very strong resistance regarding his bum, it was still a very hot session.

After that he didn't want to do any more sessions because - although he remained polite and friendly - he didn't like the fact that I was trying to see his hole...

But those 3 sessions with this little guy were very enjoyable. You can't have everything :-)

Thanks to Ronnie for sponsoring (= paying for) this session.


Cette troisième (et dernière) session avec Thiago a été enregistrée à peine 10 mn après la précédente, mais sa bite est redevenue dure très vite :-)

Dans cette session, je lui suce la queue bien sûr, il nique une poupée gonflable, et aussi j'essaie de m'intéresser à l'espace entre ses deux fesses, mais là c'est très difficile, ou plutôt impossible.
Il a très bien remarqué que j'essayais de voir son trou, et il faisait tout pour le cacher.
Résultat : on ne voit pas son trou du cul.
(Dans une séquence au ralenti on voit des points blancs qui brillent par moment sur les poils entre ses fesses, mais ce ne sont pas des insectes, c'est un effet dû au ralenti et à d'autres facteurs (eau, coton de la serviette), ce qui arrive parfois dans ce genre de scènes).

Il me "nique" encore entre les cuisses, puis il se branle (assez sauvagement !), et il éjacule plus loin que la première fois (jusqu'à son épaule).

Si on excepte sa très grande opposition relative à son trou du cul, c'est encore une session très chaude.

Ensuite, il n'a plus voulu faire d'autres sessions car - même en restant poli et aimable - il n'a pas aimé le fait que je tentais de voir son trou...

Mais ces 3 sessions avec ce petit mec sont très agréables. On ne peut pas toujours tout avoir :-)

Merci à Ronnie qui a sponsorisé (= payé) cette session.

Good to know:

* Every 24h at midnight GMT, there is a new release of a "part", containing a video clip (and often pictures),
and you always have access to the latest TWO years of releases :-)

The sets are usually composed of "parts" (01,02,03...) released one after one, every 7 days.
For example, if the part 02 of Pablo comes on a Tuesday, you already know that the part 03 will come on the next Tuesday.

Each part remains online during a certain period of time, then goes offline during the same period of time, then comes back online and so on.
That period is 24 months (1440 days) for the Arab, Black and Latino boys, and 12 months (720 days) for the Asian and White boys.
Please check the parts at the bottom of the ALL THE SETS page, because the oldest ones (except 2012 which are fixed) will be removed little by little.

* The pictures are corresponding to the next video clip, so they can be used as a preview.

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Fouzi (part 04 of 04)
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Allan 4 [part 07 of 10]
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Gabriel and Everton [part 08 of 13]
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Danilo (part 05 of 09)
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Roder 2 (part 06 of 06)
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Renan 3 [part 06 of 06]
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